Food & Nutrition

We can provide one healthy meal at lunchtime to our children, as well as a snack in the morning and afternoon. Lunch varies at each campus but they all have one thing in common: the kids love it! Campuses with an onsite kitchenand a qualified chef, like our Yongjia Road Kindergarten, will prepare a healthy balanced meal for the children. Campuses with no kitchen facilities, like our Xingguo Campus, get their food provided by an external catering company that has been authorized by the local government to provide food to schools.

Healthy habits start here.

Introducing kids to healthy foods at an early age helps them nurture healthy habits later in life. So, we make sure every day features fruits and veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Working up an appetite in your picky eater

Young children are discovering new foods for the very first time, all the time! Sometimes this can lead them to feel cautious about trying new foods. Relieving a selective eater of anxiety takes time, understanding, and lots of exposure! In fact, children’s taste preferences are shaped by their experiences and exposures to food, which is why we expose our children to a variety of flavors and textures in our schools from such a young age.

We can accommodate allergies and restricted diets.

If your child has a food allergy or dietary restriction that needs special accommodations, we’ll partner with you to work out a plan.

What’s on the menu?

Here is a sample menu of a typical week at one of our campuses:

Air Quality:

We know in Shanghai sometimes the air quality is not good. In each classroom and common space, we have fitted Air Purifiers that are serviced and cleaned regularly. We also have an air quality monitor to let us know the indoor air quality.

Before any outdoor activity we will check the latest AQI (Air Quality Index). If the AQI is above 80, we do not go outside. During the hot summer we also limit the amount of outdoor playing time for the safety of the children.